A warm Welcome

Dear incoming Master’s students,
We, the Student Association of Economics (in German: Fachschaft Volkswirtschaftslehre, Fachschaft VWL, or just FS VWL), are very pleased to welcome you at the University of Mannheim. In your first days at our university (26.08.24 -08.09.24) we have organized a special Welcome Week for you, in which you can get to know your future fellow students from your cohort as well as from higher cohorts before starting your studies. You find the plan for the Welcome Week below this message.
First of all, you should follow the Student Association of Economics on Instagram, so that you don´t miss out any news and join our official WhatsApp group for incoming Master students (you should have received the link by Sebastian Herdtweck, if not please DM us or write us an e-mail).
The Student Association is here to support you in your studies. We all work voluntarily to make the best out of the student life at the Department of Economics. If you have any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us via email to info@fsvwl-mannheim.de or to master.fsvwl@gmail.com. In most cases relating to your studies, we can directly help you or redirect you to someone who can help you.
You can also become active in the Student Association of Economics to:
• join committees of the student self-administration and within the Department of Economics
• plan events (ranging from alumni evenings over exam revision courses to student-organized lecture series) and parties (e.g., our very own Schneckenhof party) with us, and
• connect with students from all stages of study in Economics (from the Bachelor to the PhD) as well as with your professors and lecturers.
Thus, already mark our Kickoff on 09.09.24 at 7pm in your calendar (further information will follow soon). We now wish you a lot of fun with the Welcome Week and a good start here in Mannheim.
All the best,
Kristina and Lukas (Master Representatives within the Student Association of Economics).